How we do accessibility at NAV
Vegard Haugstvedt
Providing everyone equal access to welfare services through NAV is not only legally mandated, but it is fundamental to NAV's mission. A big part of that is making sure our web services are accessible and easy to use. With 80 cross-functional product teams, this work needs to scale well.
In this talk I will explain how we work with accessibility at NAV through our design system and accessibility teams. We will talk about testing, training, sharing and culture building. And hopefully you will learn something you can bring back to your own organisation.
An enthusiastic accessibility advocate, always preaching about WCAG, WAI-ARIA, A11Y and other abbreviations. Has red-green color vision deficiency and recognize situations in everyday life where we all benefit from accessible services.
As a frontend developer, Vegard enjoys working on the “front of frontend”, in the intersection between programming and UX, and his goal is that the services he works on should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their preferred platform or their abilities. Currently working on Aksel, NAV's design system.
Vegard Haugstvedt